Effortlessly highlight useful legal insights

Gather key information from each document without hassle.

How it works

Upload a legal document

Our Document Summarizer instantly detects the most important details in your uploaded document and concisely summarizes it.

Review your summary

Your summary automatically organizes the content of your uploaded document into smaller paragraphs and bullet points.

Export to a shareable format

Once you’re satisfied with your summary, instantly export it to PDF or Word to share it with your colleagues and clients.

Key benefits of Document Summarization

Captures key legal facts

Regular summarization tools often omit vital details. Alexi’s legal AI analyzes each document you upload to detect and understand what matters most.

Readable structure

By organizing the key highlights of the document you have uploaded into a clear, structured and readable format, Document Summarization saves you time and reduces blockers.

Readily shareable

Once you’re satisfied with your summary, you can export it as a Word or PDF file that you can send to your colleague or client, making collaborative discussions, simpler.

Reclaim billable hours every day to better strategize for your clients

Reduce bottlenecks

Free up hours in your day by speeding up litigation tasks like legal research with AI.

Boost productivity

Do not leave a question hanging - use Alexi to get it answered and move onto the next task.

Eliminate barriers

Give all litigators a dedicated resource who is ready to help them with their legal needs, 24/7.

Ensured security

Know that your client information is protected within a closed system by industry-grade security measures.

See more of Alexi’s time-saving AI features

Explore how Alexi can help you expand your legal bandwidth and deliver exceptional client service, faster.

Research Memos

Build jurisdiction-specific legal research memos on complex subjects.

Conversational Assistant

Gather quick and accurate answers for questions about the law.

Document Summarization

Hone in on the most important legal insights within each uploaded document.

Document Q&A

Extract and structure important information from legal documents and transcripts.


Streamline your work and documents by each unique case or client.