Extract the exact answers you need

Say goodbye to painfully long document reviews.

How it works

Upload what needs to be analyzed

Once uploaded, Alexi will analyze the contents of the document for you, so it’s ready to answer any questions you may have about its contents.

Ask for the information you need

So much of what’s in complex legal documents isn’t necessary to know in detail. Retrieve the answers you need from each document, faster.

Structure your answer

Need a chronological timeline of events that involved your clients or a list of where they are mentioned in a document? Alexi can do that.

Key benefits of Document Q&A

Cut down on manual review

Litigators don’t have time to sit down and review every line of each document they receive from clients or opposing counsel. Document Q&A does the review for them, so they can be equipped with the right information to prepare their client’s case.

Organize facts intelligently

Document Q&A doesn’t just give you the answer - it can arrange your data in a format, such as a timeline or numbered list, at your request, to make the facts more presentable and useful for your case.

Go back to uploaded documents anytime

Have a lengthy legal document you need to return to once in a while? Return to your conversation with Alexi and Document Q&A will be able to answer your latest questions about it, without having to find it on your computer and upload it again.

Reclaim billable hours every day to better strategize for your clients

Reduce bottlenecks

Free up hours in your day by speeding up litigation tasks like legal research with AI.

Boost productivity

Do not leave a question hanging - use Alexi to get it answered and move onto the next task.

Eliminate barriers

Give all litigators a dedicated resource who is ready to help them with their legal needs, 24/7.

Ensured security

Know that your client information is protected within a closed system by industry-grade security measures.

See more of Alexi’s time-saving AI features

Explore how Alexi can help you expand your legal bandwidth and deliver exceptional client service, faster.

Research Memos

Build jurisdiction-specific legal research memos on complex subjects.

Conversational Assistant

Gather quick and accurate answers for questions about the law.

Document Summarization

Hone in on the most important legal insights within each uploaded document.

Document Q&A

Extract and structure important information from legal documents and transcripts.


Streamline your work and documents by each unique case or client.