What is the test for expulsion in a social club?

New Brunswick, Canada

The following excerpt is from Slattery v. Petitcodiac Valley Golf and Country Club (1980) Ltd., 2002 NBQB 155 (CanLII):

As Lord Denning states in Lee v. The Showmen's Guild of Great Britain, [1952] 2 Q.B. 329 at p. 343: "In the case of social clubs, the rules usually empower the committee to expel a member who, in their opinion, has been guilty of conduct detrimental to the club; and this is a matter of opinion and nothing else. The courts have no wish to sit on appeal from these decisions on such a matter any more than from the decisions of a family conference. They have nothing to do with social rights or social duties. On any expulsion they will see that there is fair play. They will see that the man has notice of the charge and a reasonable opportunity of being heard. They will see that the committee observe the procedure laid down by the rules; but they will not otherwise interfere."

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