Alexi Was Recently Featured in a Canadian Lawyer Article Entitled "AI Legal Research Tools Save Money, Time and Judges' Enmity", Written by Tara Vasdani of Mills & Mills LLP
In an article about how A.I. is being used by lawyers, Tara Vasdani of Mills & Mills LLP discusses the impact Alexi has had on her practice. While I encourage you to read the full article here, below are some of the highlights:
"Having personally piloted a legal research software in Toronto over the last two months called Alexi, I can say that not only has it saved my clients exorbitant amounts of costs and time, but I have been able to maintain a thriving practice that doesn’t involve any legal research. Talk about a lawyer’s dream.""In addition to the obvious time and cost-saving benefits, AI legal research tools allow lawyers to access data-backed support for even the most complex and novel cases."“We believe strongly in the need for law firms to think critically about how they are training the future generation of lawyers,” says Mark Doble, CEO at Alexi. “We should stop having them do things that computers can do, and instead provide them with enhanced growth opportunities, like crafting novel legal arguments and working more closely with clients.”"We want Alexi to be maximally affordable for law firms. In fact, most of our clients recoup the entirety of their Alexi bill by apportioning the cost to their clients, and by doing so, also save their clients money."
Thank you Tara for the great article! We love seeing lawyers passionate about A.I. and helping to make a real difference in how lawyers employ technology.