Can a peace bond be issued with a meaningful sanction?

Yukon, Canada

The following excerpt is from Haydock. v. Baker, 2001 YKTC 502 (CanLII):

To afford meaningful protection, a peace bond requires a meaningful sanction for a breach. However, the threat of punitive sanctions does not require that all of the legal trappings governing the use of a punitive power be applied to the issuance of a peace bond: These coercive aspects, however, are necessary to preserve the integrity of the s. 810.1 proceedings. By themselves, they do not turn s. 810.1 into a punitive provision. Nor does the stigma that undoubtedly accompanies a s. 810.1 proceeding make the proceeding punitive. (Budreo v. R., infra, at para 28.)

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